13 Cool Cat Facts

1. To get down from a tree, a cat has to go down backward, jump down or be rescued. They cannot climb head first down because their claws point the same way.


2. In 1963, a French cat named Felicette (a.k.a. “Astrocat”) was sent into outer space. She survived the trip.

3. Cats have very strong hearing senses.  They can hear about four times as well as humans.

4. Cats are more popular as pets in North America than dogs. There are over 73 million cats there as compared to 63 million dogs.

5. For a short distance, a cat can travel at a top speed of around 31 mph (49 km.)

6. Is a black cat lucky? Only if you live in Britain or Australia as many parts of North America and Europe consider them to be a sign of bad luck!

7. In the main, cats sleep for 2/3 of every day. Therefore, a nine-year-old cat has only been awake for three years of its life.

8. Isaac Newton, the famous inventor, invented the cat flap. He worked in the pitch-dark with his experiments but one of his cats kept opening the door, so he devised the cat flap.  

9. A group of kittens is called a “litter.”

Cute Kittens

10. The cat who holds the record for having the most kittens is called Dusty. In her lifetime, she had more than 420 kittens.

11. A cat named Kitty was the oldest cat to give birth. When she was 30, she gave birth to two kittens giving her a grand total amount of 218 kittens that she birthed.

12. The longest cat in the world is over 42 inches long.

13. Cats use their whiskers to decide if they can fit in a certain space.



This cat rescue story has a big element of truth in, so careful with your rubbish!

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